
bioXXmed AG is responsible as content provider according to Article 6 para. 1 of the German Interstate Media Services Agreement (Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag) for "own content" and content made available for use according to the general laws. Such own content is to be distinguished from cross-references (so-called "links") to content made available by other providers. By means of the cross-reference, bioXXmed AG also provides "third-party content" for use, whereby this content is identified in the following manner: www.internetdomain.de bioXXmed AG is only responsible for this third-party content if bioXXmed AG has positive knowledge of it (i.e., also of illegal or criminal content) and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent its use (Article 6 para. 2 German Interstate Media Agreement). However, "links" are always "living" (dynamic) references. When the link was first created, bioXXmed AG checked the external content to see whether it might give rise to any civil or criminal liability. However, bioXXmed AG is not obligated to constantly check the content to which reference is made in its offer for changes that could give rise to a new responsibility. Only if bioXXmed AG determines or is informed by others that a concrete offer, to which a company has provided a link, triggers a civil or criminal liability, the link to this offer will be removed, as far as this is technically feasible and reasonable. The technical feasibility and reasonableness will not be influenced by the fact that even after access from the website has been prohibited, the illegal or criminal offer can be accessed from other servers. In no event shall bioXXmed AG be liable for any damages arising from the use or non-use of information provided on websites to which bioXXmed AG refers by means of cross-references or links. Copyright notice: All information, contributions and illustrations published on this website as well as their arrangement are protected by copyright. Any use not permitted by copyright law requires the prior written consent of bioXXmed AG. This applies in particular to copying, distribution, forwarding, editing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Photocopies and downloads of web pages may be made without written permission only for personal, private and non-commercial use. All trademarks used on our web pages enjoy trademark protection even if the respective rights holder is not explicitly named. Communication via e-mail: Communication via e-mail can have security gaps. For example, e-mails sent to our employees can be intercepted, viewed or even modified by experienced Internet users. If we receive an e-mail from you, we assume that we are entitled to reply by e-mail. Otherwise, you must explicitly refer to another method of communication.


Board of Directors: Dr Bruno Rosen
Butzbacher Weg 6
64289 Darmstadt